MAKALAH KENAKALAN REMAJA BHS INGGRIS MAKALAH KENAKALAN REMAJA BHS INGGRIS Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:03 AM PDT CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1.1 Background Teenagers are a transition from childhood to adulthood. A teenager can no longer be regarded as a child, but he is still not mature enough to be considered an adult. He is looking for the lifestyle that is most suitable for him and even this is often done through trial and error methods even though many mistakes. His mistakes often lead to worries and unpleasant feelings for the environment, his parents. The mistakes made by teenagers will only please their peers. This is because they are indeed both still in the period of searching for identity. The mistakes that lead to environmental resentment are often referred to as juvenile delinquency. Teenagers are the future assets of a nation. In addition to the good news about the activities of teenagers in recent times and the coaching carried out by stud